Friday, July 18, 2008

The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi

This book is about a little girl from Korea named Unhei that comes to a new school. Her name is different than the other children and they have trouble pronouncing it, so they make a jar full of new names for her to choose from. This hurts her feelings and makes her feel like an outsider compared to everyone else. I liked the way the author described the rain comparing it to Unhei, saying "It's the same rain, but in a different place." Unhei doesn't understand why her name is so hard for the other kids to accept.
I really liked that Unehi's new friend Joey. He made the effort to try and learn Unhei's name. It shows true friendship and consideration for another person's heritage. This was a cute book with a good message and I really enjoyed the illustrations as well.

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