I think this book would be a fun and adventurous read for children in the upper elementary grades. The stories all had funny little lessons to learn and think about that I think kids would enjoy.
I particularly liked the story "Long Live the Queen". A girl in the class gets teased for coming prepared for her class project. In the end, she gets rewarded for it and the students teasing her feel bad. I think there is a lot more teasing and ridiculing that happens in the classroom that sometimes teachers aren't aware of. It just makes me more aware that that is going to happen and I will have to remember to look out for my students' best interest all the time.
The story "Blue Ribbon" was another one I liked. I liked that it taught about children wanting to please their parents. I think that occurs much more than we think and kids will go out of their way just to gain a little bit of their parents attention. In the end the child learns his lesson about lying to his parents. I think as a teacher I will learn that my students really crave my attention and helping them out and being there for them in the classroom will be a really rewarding experience. Also, teaching will just be that extra bit of attention that kids recieve during their day that could impact them greatly.
Hi Mal! I enjoyed this book and agree that this would be a fun and adventurous book for young readers. I liked the "Long Live the Queen" story as well but my favorite story was "Sratches at Midnight." I liked this story the most becasue I can relate to it myself. I sometimes hear noises and become frightened. Yes, I still get frightened, even as a grown up. Ha!
I am in total aggreement with ya. These stories compile to make some pretty good reading that kids throughout all of elementary will enjoy. And parents do sometimes forget the pressures children meet when trying to please and honor them!
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