Sunday, July 20, 2008

When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer by Walt Whitman

This book is a poem about a little boy that dreams of becoming a great astronomer one day. After he learns about an astronomer, he begins to dream about what it would be like if he became one as well. This book does not have many words, but the ones that are there really let children use their imagination. I have read other poems by Walt Whitman and I really appreciate them. It is a book about dreaming big and going after those dreams. The illustrations are really neat and take up the entire page. Overall I think that any child or adult could benefit from reading this story as it applies to all ages.


Melissa Bailey said...

Mallory, I really enjoyed the book you read aloud today! I thought it was very cute and could be used with a child you see worries or seems stressed often. Good Job!

René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Though this post is about the "Astronomer" picture book, I also want to comment on the book you read today. 100TH DAY WORRIES is such a rich book. I love picture books, and this is one that I will definitely make a part of my own collection. I'm going to go broke after this summer session's read alouds.

Amanda J. said...

Hi Mallory,the book, When I heard the Learn'd Astronomer, I agree that it does not have many words but that the illustrations do let childern use their imaginations. I also think that the book would be benificial for any age too.